
Bradley Barton Primary School and Nursery All inspired to learn and inspired learning for all.

Useful Links

Time Table Rock Stars (TTR)

Learning times tables is an essential part of your child's mathematical development, and helping them to master these at their own pace is a great way to support their mathematical learning at home. Children should access Times Table Rock Stars to help with learning their tables. There is a Year 4 multiplication check towards the end of the year. Regularly using the ‘Soundcheck’ feature on Times Table Rock Stars will help prepare your child for this.


Oxford owl

The children who are accessing Read Write, Inc. in school, may find some of the teaching videos or shared stories useful at home.


Purple Mash

In school we use Purple Mash to develop the children’s digital fluency and coding skills. There may be occasional home learning activities assigned on there throughout the year, but you will be informed of this when appropriate.


Online Safety links

If you have any concerns about the material your child is accessing online, please use the link below for advice.


We believe that it is vital that parents, carers and school staff work together to keep our children safe online. Many more additional links and resources can be found on under “Safeguarding – Online Safety” on the school’s website.

