Bradley Barton Primary School is a restorative community.
Restorative approaches help develop a happier school where the focus is on learning not conflict. Every member of our school community should feel safe and respected and will know that when things go wrong we will do everything we can to help put it right.
Restorative approaches encourage people to think about how their behaviour has affected others. At Bradley Barton School, our whole community is restorative and adults model the use of these approaches for our pupils. This approach helps children to develop respect, responsibility and truth telling.
If your child has been upset we will try our very best to make sure they feel that it has been put right for them and that it will not happen again.
If a child has done something which has caused harm to another they will have the opportunity to repair this harm in a meaningful way.
Staff share that restorative approaches lead to:
Parents have shared feedback about restorative approaches which includes:
All our restorative conversations are built on 6 questions:
Children are chaired in a meeting by our staff, or in minor behavioural issues, by our "Anti Bullying Ambassadors." As children progress through the school, this language becomes part of their vocabulary and they increasingly manage challenges they face using this approach independently. These conversations are always chaired when all involved are calm and ready to talk. This may not always be immediately after an event but when everyone is ready to move forwards together.
Behaviour flow chart
The following flow chart is used to clearly show children the steps that will be taken following specific behaviours. A restorative conversation will take place during every stage.