Dear Parents/Carers and Visitors,
On behalf of the pupils, staff and Governors of Bradley Barton Primary School I am delighted to welcome you to our school website!
Our school has a unique and superb outdoor environment with large playing areas, sports pitches, produce garden, greenhouse, wildlife area, pond, extensive composting facilities and adjoining woodland used for forest school sessions. We strive to maximise the benefits our superb facilities offer , learning about sustainability and developing children's sense of responsibility to care for each other and our planet. We take every opportunity to be outside, come rain or shine, and children joining our community will get good use of their coats and wellingtons!
The diverse contributions of parents and the wider community are greatly valued. As parents/carers you are your child's main educators and we must work in partnership together to establish effective approaches to encourage your child’s learning and development. Your views and attitudes to their learning and our school will greatly influence each child's own views.
If you require further information about our school or would like to arrange a chat with me, please contact us via e mail or telephone and we will be delighted to help you.
Visits to our school are warmly welcomed. Please contact our office team to book a visit.
01626 203450