
Bradley Barton Primary School and Nursery All inspired to learn and inspired learning for all.

Activity 2

This week’s subject focus is Music!


We have put together a range of fun activities for you to choose from. Every activity starts with a stimulus – a “Wow!” moment where you can listen to some of the world’s best composers and performers. The activities that follows cater to all different learning styles, so there’s something for everyone:


Activity 1: Body percussion

Activity 2: Draw a musical memory

Activity 3: Make in instrument

Activity 4: Listening games

Activity 5: Write a musical journey poem


To inspire you, here are some examples from children across the country:


We would love to see what you have been up to. Your work might even be shared on your class dojo page, or on the school’s facebook page if you wish!


There are two ways to share photos, videos, songs, pictures and poems from this week:

  1. Via Class Dojo. If it is a photo, you can include it in a message. If it is a video, simply upload it to your portfolio.
  2.  For activities 2 and 5 (which use the BBC’s “10 Pieces at home” resource, you can use the “10 pieces uploader tool to let you share your project on the website for families across the country to see!


Well done to everyone who has logged into Charanga Music World, and started their musical journey! When we return, I will be announcing the children who have “travelled” the furthest on their journey! If you haven’t already done so, you can find out your username and password from your class teacher.


Happy music making!

Mr Elwood
