Welcome to Red Kites
Mr. Easterbrook |
Teacher |
Miss Williams | Mrs. Briggs |
Learning Support Assistant | Learning Support Assistant |
Welcome to the Red Kites’ class page! This is our last year at Bradley Barton, and therefore is a very important one. As well as the end of year SATs to prepare for, we will have our residential, our production and will prepare to go off to the big wide world of secondary school. We want to make sure that this is the best year possible, and that we make lots of memories to look back on and smile.
As a class, we have agreed a set of class commitments to help us with all of these things. Please see them below:
To be the best I can, I will...
All About Me
This will be my tenth year here at Bradley Barton and my eleventh as a teacher. I love teaching here and am very pleased to have the opportunity to lead PE across the school, as well as to lead our Challenging Learning initiative this year. I also run the school football team, which is probably my favourite part of the job and am always searching for ways to improve as a football coach and to help the team be as successful as possible. I love teaching in year six as there's so much to dive into, and it's a real privilege to be able to support a group of children to take their next big step in life as they move into year seven.
If you ever need to contact me, please send me a message on Class Dojo or make an appointment to speak to me over the phone or in person. I will check Dojo messages in working hours (8:00-5:30) and will aim to respond as soon as I can, and within forty-eight hours at the latest. If you're in doubt about who to address a query to, please see the communication flowchart published on the website.
Year 6 S.A.T.s
In May 2022, Year 6 will take part in the statutory tests for the end of Key Stage 2. These tests are based on all the learning the children have done during KS2 and the children will be adequately prepared in school. These are nothing to worry about- all we expect is for every child to try their best. If you have any queries about the tests, please do get in contact with either class teacher.
Transition to Secondary-
This is the children's final year at primary school, meaning that we will sped time supporting them in their transition to secondary. The first step of the process should be for them to visit a range of local secondaries with parents to support you to make the best decision. After your child has been allocated a place at secondary school, we go through a process where we meet with representatives of that school to discuss any needs your child may have, the children spend time at their secondary school and you are invited to discuss anything you wish to discuss with their new school. We are happy to support you however we can during this process, so please get in touch if there's anything we can do.
You can apply for a secondary school place here: https://www.devon.gov.uk/educationandfamilies/school-information/apply-for-a-school-place/apply-for-a-secondary-school-place/ Please note that the deadline for applications is 31st October 2022.