
Bradley Barton Primary School and Nursery All inspired to learn and inspired learning for all.

Chaffinches (Year 2)


Welcome to Chaffinches

Miss Medland



Mrs Hedge



Mrs Steer



Miss Hammond




Chaffinch are a friendly class who love to be challenged with our learning. As the oldest children in Key Stage 1, we try our best to set a good example to the younger learners in the school.


Our adults.

In Chaffinch class, our class teacher is Miss Medland.


Mrs Steer, Mrs Hedge and Miss Hammond will be supporting learning in the Chaffinch class.


All about me:

I am Miss Medland and I have been teaching at Bradley Barton for the last 5 years. I have been a teacher for 28 years. I am enjoy teaching all subjects but especially maths and PE. I lead history across the school. 


Class commitments

As a class, we have set up our class commitments.  These are behaviours we have agreed need to be shown to help everyone learn.  Our commitments are:


  • We will always be kind.


  • We will always listen to adults and each other.


  • We will use indoor voices.


  • We will have kind hands and feet.


  • We will always try our best.


  • We will ask for help if we need it.





Statutory assessments


The phonics screening check is taken individually by all children in Year 1 in England, and is usually taken in June. It is designed to give teachers and parents information on how your child is progressing in phonics. It will help to identify whether your child needs additional support at this stage so that they do not fall behind in this vital early reading skill. As the children did not complete the phonics screening in Year 1 due to the school closure, they will be completing the screening in the second half of the autumn term.


In May 2023, Year 2 will take part in the statutory assessments for the end of Key Stage 1. These assessments are based on all the learning the children have done during KS1 and the children will be prepared in school. Parents and carers will receive further information about the assessments nearer to the time. If you have any queries about the assessments, please do get in contact with either class teacher. 



We will endeavour to get back to any queries on Class Dojo within 2 working days and will only check messages in working hours where possible (9am to 5pm). Please contact the school office if you have any urgent messages.





