
Bradley Barton Primary School and Nursery All inspired to learn and inspired learning for all.

Home Learning

Home learning

Home learning across the school will feature two different elements each week. One of these will be retrieval element, where children will have the chance to practice some of the skills that they have learnt in class. These will be things that they have been taught, and will hopefully be able to complete independently. The other will be a preview element, where they will look ahead at something they will learn the next week. This may be a section of text to read, a mathematical method to look at, some research to complete or another type of activity. There may also be spellings sent home to learn or other learning relevant to your child.



In Year 2, we hope that all children will develop a love of reading. We have a wide variety of books in the library for children to read, and welcome books which are brought in from home. We ask that children read at least three times a week at home, for fifteen minutes or more, but hope to see more time spent reading. This needs to be recorded in the reading diary, which should be signed to confirm that the reading has taken place. Reading diaries will be checked weekly. A reward system is in place across Year 2 in which children are entered into a half-termly raffle draw for reading at home (this must be recorded and signed by an adult in their reading diary to get a raffle ticket). They have the chance to select from a range of different books if they win the raffle.  Please encourage your child to read regularly at home. Reading is critical for their learning in all areas of the curriculum. 


While listening to your child read, please use the document below which gives a number of questions linked to our in-school VIPERS approach which focus on the key skills of reading (vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation, retrieval and summarising). In addition, please continue to share books with and read to your children to encourage a love of reading. If they can see how much you value reading, they are bound to be keen readers themselves!
