Bullying is seen as actions which are meant to be hurtful which happen on a regular basis. Bullying can be direct (e.g. physical or verbal) or indirect (e.g. being ignored or not spoken to).
Our school is a caring community where bullying is not acceptable. We strongly believe that every child should be able to learn in a school environment free from bullying of any kind and in which they feel safe and supported. Children must know that they can talk to adults about their fears, and have confidence that action will be taken to resolve the situation. All adults in our school share the responsibility to create such an environment. No child deserves to suffer the pain and indignity that bullying can cause. Equally, we recognise the negative impact bullying has on a child’s educational experiences and wider development.
Our school promotes good behaviour through being a Restorative Community. This is the key to creating an environment free from bullying and intimidation. We have clear, consistent and high expectations of all staff and pupils. Every year pupils agree behaviour guidelines in their classes which are rooted in our restorative ethos. These are revisited regularly through our PSHE curriculum. We promote equality, value diversity and work hard to ensure the safety and well-being of all members of the school community. We value our close links with parents/carers to achieve this for our children.