
Bradley Barton Primary School and Nursery All inspired to learn and inspired learning for all.


Tuesday 21st July 2020


Today's Challenge: A Nature Thank you! 


As you know, today would have been the last day of school and although it is very sad we are unable to celebrate together, we can still pass on our thanks to our teachers and learning support staff.


Today’s challenge is to create some natural letters to leave a message to your teachers. You may wish to write out a long message using natural materials or a simple Thank you would work well. (I have included some examples below).


Once made, take a photo of your message and send it to your teachers!


I hope everyone has a lovely and relaxing summer break and I can’t wait to see you all in September!



Miss Cox


Tuesday 14th July 2020


Today's Challenge: All about spiders!


I understand today's challenge may be controversial as I know many people don’t like spiders. I’d like you to have a go at being brave and seeing if you can find one (even if you don’t go too close). Once you have found the spider, see if you can then find its web! 


Below I have included some information about spiders and you may wish to make your own spider fact poster and draw the spider you have found!


I would love to see your photos from your challenge, feel free to send me a picture on class dojo! Equally, if you have any problems or questions feel free to message me.


Can't wait to see how many scary spiders you find! 


Miss Cox

Tuesday 7th July 2020


Today's Challenge: Natural Music!


Everything we see has the ability to make different sounds. You may need to hit something like a drum, or bash things together like symbols, but everything around us can create music.


Today I would like you to have a go at making some natural musical instruments. Look outside and see what you can find. Hit two sticks together or two rocks, what noises they can make? What happens if you rip a hole in a leaf and blow into it? What about shells, do they make noises? Experiment with the things around you to see what makes a noise.


Once you have a selection of noises you like, can you make your own song?


I would love to see your photos from your challenge, feel free to send me a picture on class dojo! Equally, if you have any problems or questions feel free to message me.


Can't wait to see how you get on!


Miss Cox

Tuesday 30th June 2020


Today's Challenge: Senses supreme!


Today’s challenge is a senses scavenger hunt! I have attached a sheet below and I would like you to find something to fit in each box. I wonder if you can find 12 different things for the hunt!


I would love to see your photos from your challenge, feel free to send me a picture on class dojo! Equally, if you have any problems or questions feel free to message me.


Can't wait to see how you get on!


Miss Cox

Tuesday 23rd June 2020


Today's Challenge: WATER FIGHT!! 


Who doesn’t love a good water fight! Whether that is with your water pistols or water balloons, it’s always fun on a hot day! Why not get a little creative with your water fight? I have listed a few ideas below, but I am sure you can think of some more!!

  • Water obsicle course
  • Water Tag (tag your brother/sister/mum/dad by spraying them with water)
  • Water balloon piñata (hang water balloons from the washing lines and take turns to hit them, if it bursts you loose!)
  • Water balloon hide and seek (find your friend by throwing a water balloon at them!
  • Bat games with water balloons (use a tennis racket, rounder’s bat or cricket bat, but instead of a ball you throw a water balloon)

If you have used water balloons, its really important to clean up any rubbish left if your garden as it can harm wildlife that visits your garden. Also its very important to keep your water fight outside as mums and dads will not be happy if you get the house soaking wet!


I would love to see your photos from your challenge, feel free to send me a picture on class dojo! Equally, if you have any problems or questions feel free to message me.


Can't wait to see how much fun you have! 


Miss Cox

Tuesday 16th June 2020


Today's Challenge: Who can build the biggest tower?


Today I would like to challenge you all to build the biggest tower, but not one made of Lego or blocks. I would like you to have a go at balancing stones! You may wish to do this in your garden, in a park, out on your walk or even at the beach. Have a go at using your best balancing skills to build the tallest tower you can!


I would love to see your photos from your challenge, feel free to send me a picture on class dojo! Equally, if you have any problems or questions feel free to message me.


Can't wait to see your tall towers!


Miss Cox

Tuesday 9th June 2020


Today's Challenge: Flower press


While enjoying the outside today, whether that’s on your daily walk or out in your garden, pick up any flowers you like the look of and carefully carry them home. When you get home, you will need two pieces of card (can be any size and can be recycled). Put your flowers between the two pieces of card in any arrangement you like and pop them on a flat surface. Next, you will need to find some heavy books and place them on top of your card (with the flowers inside). Ideally, you will need to wait a few days for your flower press to work, but if that’s not possible have a look the next day and see what has happened to your flower. Does it look the same? What has changed? Can you still see all the parts of the flower? Can anyone remember learning the names of the different parts of a flower and name them?


I would love to see your photos from your challenge, feel free to send me a picture on class dojo! Equally, if you have any problems or questions feel free to message me.


Can't wait to see your pressed flowers!


Miss Cox

Tuesday 2nd June 2020


Today's Challenge: Ladybird hunt! 


Ladybirds are all around us and provide a vital service to many plants in our gardens. A Ladybirds main diet is green fly and these are considered as pests to many gardeners as they can damage plants (especially roses).  So instead of using pesticides and chemicals on gardens, may gardeners simply encourage the ladybirds in their gardens.


Did you know there are many different types of ladybirds? Did you know ladybirds with different numbers of spots are actually different varieties? Today I would like you to go on a hunt for some ladybirds. If you find some, make sure you are really careful touching them, as we wouldn’t want to harm them! I have attached a sheet from the BBC ladybird survey to help you identify the type of ladybird and record your results (if you would like to).


I would love to see your photos from your challenge, feel free to send me a picture on class dojo! Equally, if you have any problems or questions feel free to message me.


Can't wait to see which ladybird's you find!


Miss Cox

Tuesday 19th May 2020


Today's Challenge: All about Ants! 


Did you know ants are amazing creatures? They can lift up to 20 times their body weight! Have you ever noticed how ants are always following each other and walking in lines? Does anyone know why? As the ants go out of the nest in search for food, they leave a scent trail behind. This then allows them to walk exactly the same way back to their nests as they left. What would happen if you put something down and blocked their path? Do you think they would get confused?


Why not go outside and give it a go? Find an ant trail and put a piece of paper down to block it, what happens? Do they walk over the paper? Or around it?


You can also try and change their trail, leave a small piece of apple or fruit near to a trail you found. How long does it take the ants to find it? You could even try and put out some obstacles for the ants, will they walk over them or around them, try it and see what happens!


I would love to see your photos from your challenge, feel free to send me a picture on class dojo! Equally, if you have any problems or questions feel free to message me.


Can't wait to see what you discover about ants! 


Miss Cox

Tuesday 12th May 2020


Today's Challenge: Build a pitfall trap! 


This is an easy way to see what creepy crawlys are hiding in your garden. First you will need to find a plant pot or an old container you don’t mind getting muddy. Then you will need to find a quiet spot in your garden and dig a small hole (the same size as your pot or container). Place four stones around the edge of your pot and find a lid to put on top (old tile, piece of wood or anything that will keep your trapped creatures safe from hungry birds). The stones should enable a small gap to allow the insects to fall into your trap. If you’re a little bit confused, see the diagram below to help you!


I would love to see your photos from your challenge, feel free to send me a picture on class dojo! Equally, if you have any problems or questions feel free to message me.


Can't wait to see what you find in your gardens! 


Miss Cox

Tuesday 5th May 2020


Today's Challenge: Fork Painting!


Having a little glance at the weather it is due to be raining on Tuesday, so today's challenge is an indoor activity. 


I would like the children to have a go at painting an animal with a fork! You may wish to draw an outline first and add details afterwards, but using a fork is a really simple way of creating spines or fur on an animal. Have a look at some of the examples below to get some inspiration!


I would love to see your photos from your challenge, feel free to send me a picture on class dojo! Equally, if you have any problems or questions feel free to message me.


Can't wait to see your fork paintings! 


Miss Cox

Tuesday 28th April 2020


Today's Challenge: Shadows


Have you ever noticed your shadow moving throughout the day? Today I would like you to go outside at different times in the day and look at your shadow. You may even want to draw your shadow at different times. What happens to your shadow? Does it stay still? Does it follow you? Is your shadow always in the same place throughout the day? 


For older children who have done this activity before, could you make a human sun dial? 

You will need to mark a point in your garden to stand. 

Next you will need to make notes for different times you stand on your spot. 

Place a time note on the ground where your head is at different times of the day. 

Stand back at the end of the day, what do you notice? 

What happened to your shadow throughout the day?

What do these markers look like? 


I would love to see your photos from your challenge, feel free to send me a picture on class dojo! Equally, if you have any problems or questions feel free to message me.


Can't wait to see your shadows (lets hope the sun stays out!) 


Miss Cox

Tuesday 21st April 2020


Today's Challenge: Make a potion! 


As we all know from different books and stories, potions can be made from all sorts of natural ingredients! In today's challenge I would like you to experiment and make your own potions. Try to record what you put in and how much you have used to create your own set of instructions. Also don't forget to write down what your potion is for! 


I have made an example below, feel free to use mine if your not sure what to put in yours! 


(Please don't drink your potions as they are not healthy for us muggles to drink, however the plants may appreciate it as additional plant food when you are finished) 


I would love to see your photos from your challenge, feel free to send me a picture on class dojo! Equally, if you have any problems or questions feel free to message me.


Can't wait to see your potions! 


Miss Cox

Tuesday 14th April 2020


Today's Challenge: Build a pixie house!


While you are out on a walk with your family, I would like you to take a small box or bag with you. Whilst you are walking along, keep your eye out for anything that looks interesting. This could be an interesting rock, colourful petals, a odd shape leaf or a wonky twig. Put anything that catches your eye in a bag or box.


When you get home, have a look at what you have collected. Using these materials, could you make a pixie house? Make sure you find a quiet place in your garden to build your house, as pixies are very shy!  


I would love to see your photos from your challenge, feel free to send me a picture on class dojo! Equally, if you have any problems or questions feel free to message me.


Can't wait to see your Pixie houses!


Miss Cox

Tuesday 7th April 2020


Today's Challenge: Draw your own map!


While you are out on a walk with your family, take note of landmarks and things that you see while you are out and about, also try to notice what directions you turn in. When you get home, have a go at drawing a map of where you have been. When you have finished, use google maps to see how accurate your drawing is! 


I would love to see your photos from your challenge, feel free to send me a picture on class dojo! Equally, if you have any problems or questions feel free to message me.


Can't wait to see your marvellous maps! 


Miss Cox

Tuesday 31st March 2020


Today's Challenge: Make a bird feeder! 


I would like you to have a go at making a bird feeder to put outside. I have attached instructions to make a simple feeder using an old toilet tube. If you don't have the ingredients specified, you could always use bread crumbs, raisins, any fruit, seeds or nuts. 


If you are struggling to find suitable ingredients (or have a nut allergy) you can always cut a piece of fruit in half and hang it from a tree, the birds will still come! 


I would love to see your photos from your challenge, feel free to send me a picture on class dojo! Equally, if you have any problems or questions feel free to message me.


Can't wait to see your feeders!


Miss Cox

Tuesday 24th March 2020


Today's Challenge: I spy a garden bird!


I would like everyone to have a go at bird watching today.  Either sit by a window or find a place to sit in your garden. What birds can you see? 


Use the guide below if you would like to have a go at identifying the birds or simply count how many birds you spot. 


Remember the birds are very scared of you, so you will need to be still and quiet! 


I would love to see your photos from your challenge, feel free to send me a picture on class dojo! Equally, if you have any problems or questions feel free to message me.


Can't wait to see what birds you find today! 


Miss Cox
