
Bradley Barton Primary School and Nursery All inspired to learn and inspired learning for all.

Magpies (Year 4)

Welcome to Magpies

Miss Haycock


Teacher (Wed & Thurs) LKS2 Phase Leader

Mrs Smerdon


Teacher (Mon, Tues & Friday)

Mrs Wakeham





Welcome to Magpies' class page. We are an enthusiastic class who enjoy our learning. As part of learning, we share our ideas and are respectful of each others' opinions. We persevere when facing challenges and celebrate our own and others' successes. 



Teachers in the class

In Magpies, there are two class teachers. Mrs Smerdon teaches the class on a Monday, Tuesday and a Friday. Miss Haycock teaches the class on a Wednesday and a Thursday.

Mrs Smerdon is the geography leader and the Education Visit Coordinator at Bradley Barton. Miss Haycock is the Lower Key Stage 2 leader and the curriculum leader across the school. 


Class commitments 

At the start of the year, Magpies created a set of class commitments to follow to ensure that we have a safe, fun and fantastic year. We all signed these and have agreed to follow them all the time. 



We will be using Class Dojo to record and celebrate all our class achievements. There is also a section where I will post any interesting things the class is doing and any reminders of special things that need to be brought in.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding school, please feel free to use the Class Dojo to message me. I will endeavour to get back to any messages within 48 hours and will only check messages in working hours where possible (8am to 5:30pm). Please contact the school office if you have any urgent messages and refer to the school communication flowchart to ensure you get the most efficient responses. 
