Our vision for Religious Education at Bradley Barton
Our Religious Education curriculum aims to motivate and inspire children through an engaging curriculum that challenges all learners. Children at Bradley Barton will become young people who are confident in their own beliefs and values so that they can respect the religious and cultural differences of others and contribute to a cohesive and compassionate society.
In Religious Education, we implement an inclusive curriculum that meets the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum. It is well-planned, rich in vocabulary and provides many cross-curricular opportunities. Our Religious Education curriculum promotes children’s Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development, ensuring that they are reflective and responsible citizens. Fundamental British Values are actively promoted in Religious Education lessons in order to prepare the children for life in Modern Britain.
At Bradley Barton, linking with our Challenging Learning focus, we deliver an enquiry-based approach to R.E. following the Discovery R.E. scheme of work. Through the understanding of the concepts and their religious links we want the children to become further skilled in thinking critically, reasoning and justifying their own ideas about spiritual, cultural and moral concepts as well as being able to challenge the ideas of others in a respectful manner. The skills and knowledge gained through the RE curriculum underpin core British values. Our goal is not to teach children to be religious but how to better understand religion.
Using the Discovery planning, we teach R.E. on dedicated half-termly R.E days with the primary focus of day being the concept. Children develop knowledge through enquiry investigation around this concept. This means that the learning of R.E. is transferable into the children’s own lives regardless of their own religious beliefs. The concepts are differentiated through challenge. R.E. is linked to the schools Challenge Learning focus and children are encouraged to develop their ability to argue rationally; forming discussions and listening to the opinions of others. Reflective opportunities are planned to allow children the opportunity to evaluate what they have learnt and to address any misconceptions.
Our well-planned Religious Education curriculum ensures that children are able to make links between a variety of faiths, other religions, cultures and ways of life. Through the breadth and depth that our curriculum offers, children are developing an understanding of other religions and ways of life. Our curriculum ensures that children in our local community are taught understanding, respect and compassion for those who may different beliefs, thoughts and values.