
Bradley Barton Primary School and Nursery All inspired to learn and inspired learning for all.


Monday 20th July 2020


Today's Challenge: Name a Habitat!


Habitats are safe places where animals build their homes and live. A habitat needs food, water, shelter and protection. Habitats can be as big as a house (your habitat) or as small as the underside of a rock. How many different types of habitats can you name? (ocean, forests, ponds etc.).


How many habitats can you find in your gardens or in the area around you? Have a look in your garden and see if you can identify some micro habitats.


If you are out on a walk, how many different type of habitats can you identify in your local area?


I would love to see your photos from your challenge, feel free to send me a picture on class dojo! Equally, if you have any problems or questions feel free to message me.


Can't wait to see what habitats you find! 


Miss Cox

Monday 13th July 2020


Today's Challenge: Build a bridge! 


Before you get too worried, I don’t mean an actual bridge for cars, that would be mad! No, today I would like to challenge you to build a bridge that will hold your own weight without breaking. I would like you to first of all decide on a distance for your bridge to span (I recommend around half a meter). Then place two bricks or rocks to show the distance. Now consider the materials you may use to make your bridge. Think about the qualities these materials will need. E.g. strong, hard. You may wish to draw and design your bridge.


Once you have decided on the design and the materials, have a go at building your bridge. Now your first design may not work, but that’s ok, experiment with other ways you can do it! This is not about building the perfect bridge first time, it’s about having a go and problem solving when things don’t go to plan!


I would love to see your photos from your challenge, feel free to send me a picture on class dojo! Equally, if you have any problems or questions feel free to message me.


Can't wait to see your wonderful bridges! 


Miss Cox

Monday 6th July 2020


Today's Challenge: Build a boat! 


Today’s challenge is to have fun with some water! (who doesn’t love the chance to get soaking wet!). I would like you to have a go at making a boat from scratch. First consider the materials you would use to make a boat. What materials sink? and which float? This may seem straight forward to older children, but some results may surprise you!


Next, think about your boat design, you may even wish to draw it out before making it. Then once you have decided what it looks like, have a go at making it. Experiment with your designs as your first attempt may not work out how you imagined. Think about using recycled materials to make your boat and consider changes you can make to your design in order to improve it.


Today’s challenge isn’t about getting it right first time, I would like you to experiment and make improvements along the way! Even the world’s best inventors usually have multiple failed attempts before they created a product that worked. 


I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work” – Thomas Edison, inventor of the light bulb.


I would love to see your photos from your challenge, feel free to send me a picture on class dojo! Equally, if you have any problems or questions feel free to message me.


Can't wait to see your brilliant boats! 


Miss Cox

Monday 29th June 2020


Today's Challenge: Rainbow Hunt


There are so many wild flowers in bloom at the moment, I would like to see if you can make a rainbow! While you are out walking (or even in your garden) see if you can take a picture of a flower from each colour of the rainbow. If you would like to pick them, please ask your adults permission as some flowers can be poisonous! However, if you do, why not create your own rainbow artwork!


I would love to see your photos from your challenge, feel free to send me a picture on class dojo! Equally, if you have any problems or questions feel free to message me.


Can't wait to see how many colours you can find! 


Miss Cox

Monday 22nd June 2020


Today's Challenge: Signs of summer!


Summer is officially upon us – although it has felt that way for a while! I have attached a guide below for you to spot all the signs of summer in your local area! I wonder how many you can tick off?

If you would like an extra challenge, I have also included a writing frame for you to think about what you see, smell, feel and hear in summer time!


I would love to see your photos from your challenge, feel free to send me a picture on class dojo! Equally, if you have any problems or questions feel free to message me.


Can't wait to see how many you can tick off! 


Miss Cox

Monday 15th June 2020


Today's Challenge: Decorate some wellies! 


Ever looked at your wellies and wishes you could Jazz them up? Well this is what today’s challenge is all about. Now you could use the wellies you are currently using, or find an old pair that no longer fit you. You can add any patterns you like to your wellies using Sharpies, Acrylic paint or normal paint with added PVA glue. If your using an old pair, why not add compost and turn them into plant pots or decorations for your garden. If your using your currant pair, why not have a fashion show with your latest designs!


I would love to see your photos from your challenge, feel free to send me a picture on class dojo! Equally, if you have any problems or questions feel free to message me.


Can't wait to see your wonderful wellies!


Miss Cox

Monday 8th June 2020


Today's Challenge: Giant Bubbles! 


First to make your giant bubbles you will need two long sticks or twigs (bamboo canes etc. would be great). Next, tie a piece of string from one stick to the other (nice and tight so it doesn’t come off). Then you will need to tie another piece of string (this one needs to be longer than the first piece of string) to the original string (see diagram below). Once you have formed a circle. Dip all the string in some bubble solution (washing up liquid and water will also work). Finally, pull apart your sticks carefully and create your giant bubble!


I would love to see your photos from your challenge, feel free to send me a picture on class dojo! Equally, if you have any problems or questions feel free to message me.


Can't wait to see your amazing bubbles! 


Miss Cox

Monday 1st June 2020


Today's Challenge: Leaf Painting! 


Today’s challenge is to create some art work from nature. First you will need to collect as many different leaf shapes as you can find (this may be in your garden or on a walk). Then paint one side of your leaf. Next using a plain piece of paper, print your leaf shape. Once you have had a play, see if you can make some shapes or patterns with your leaves. Below is an example from Layla from year 6.


I would love to see your photos from your challenge, feel free to send me a picture on class dojo! Equally, if you have any problems or questions feel free to message me.


Can't wait to see you pictures! 


Miss Cox

This is an example from Layla in Year 6

Monday 18th May 2020


Today's Challenge: Hunt for Amphibians! 


Amphibians are animals that can live in both water and on land. They are animals such as frogs, toads and newts. If you are lucky enough to have a pond in your garden, you won’t have to go far for today’s challenge, just sit on the edge and wait patiently to see if you can spot any frogs or tadpoles. However, I can imagine that many of you won’t have access to a pond in your garden (I know I don’t!), so why not plan in a walk past a river or pond as part of your daily exercise. Have a look on the map and see if there is a stretch of water near you. Once there sit nice and still on the edge of the bank and see what you can find. I have attached a pond life identification sheet below to help you!


I would love to see your photos from your challenge, feel free to send me a picture on class dojo! Equally, if you have any problems or questions feel free to message me.


Can't wait to see what you find! 


Miss Cox

Monday 11th May 2020


Today's Challenge: Recycled Bunting! 


Today's challenge is another re-cycling challenge, as we all know its takes plastic 500 years to biodegrade, its so important we keep reusing plastics and stop them from going to land-fill! So here is an idea of how we can creatively recycle some plastic! 

You will need a stapler, string and some plastic bags (preferably well used and can no longer hold shopping).

Cut out triangle shapes from your plastic bag, these can be as big or small as you like.

Get an adult to help you staple the triangles to the sting.

Cut the string to the right length after you have attached your triangles.

Now use your bunting to decorate your house or garden!


I would love to see your photos from your challenge, feel free to send me a picture on class dojo! Equally, if you have any problems or questions feel free to message me.


Can't wait to see what you make! 


Miss Cox

Monday 4th May 2020


Today's Challenge: Capture animal tracks! 


Unfortunately, most wildlife in our gardens comes out at night time, when we are all fast asleep. So in today's challenge we will need to be detectives to try and find out which furry friends have been visiting our gardens! 


Today's challenge it to make a footprint trap, here are the instructions on how to make one:

First you will need a baking tray (ask mum and dad first for one they don't mind being left outside). 

Next, fill your baking tray to the top with a moldable material (sand, soft soil, clay, plasticine, salt dough etc)

Then you will need to put a plate with some bait in the center of your tray. Using meat scraps or pet food will attract omnivores (foxes, hedgehogs and badgers), but using nuts and seeds will attract smaller animals (birds, mice and other small mammals). 

Now hide your tray somewhere in your garden. 

When you wake up the next morning, check your tray and see if any footprints have been left. To help you work out which animals have been visiting, use the help sheet below. 

If you don't see any tracks, don't be disheartened, just leave it out for a few nights and something may come another day! 


I would love to see your photos from your challenge, feel free to send me a picture on class dojo! Equally, if you have any problems or questions feel free to message me.


Can't wait to see what animals come to visit your gardens! 


Miss Cox

Monday 27th April 2020


Today's Challenge: Make a butterfly feeder


Just like children, butterflies like things sweet and sugary. So today we are going to use sugar to make a butterfly feeder. 

First you will need to make a sugar solution by dissolving sugar is some water. This works best when you use a kettle to boil water and pour it over a few spoons of sugar. Make sure that if you are using boiled water, a grown up is helping you! Then leave this to cool. 

While that cools down you will need to find a jar or bottle. Decorate your jar with some bright flower designs to attract the butterflies. This could be by drawing on the glass or you could draw flowers and stick them on. 

You will then need to get an adult to help you with the next step. Carefully make a small hole in the lid of your bottle or jar. Next, you will then need to stuff the hole with cloth or cotton wool. 

When your sugar solution is cool, place it in the jar or bottle and do up the lid. Then you will need to hang it upside down from a tree. You could use string to hang it or you can place it upside down in a branch. If you don't have a tree in your garden, try to place it in or near a flower bed. 

As your jar is hung upside down, the sugar solution should slowly leak out of the hole you created, through the material/cotton wool and the butterflies will come for a munch! 


I would love to see your photos from your challenge, feel free to send me a picture on class dojo! Equally, if you have any problems or questions feel free to message me.


Can't wait to see your butterfly feeders! 


Miss Cox

Monday 20th April 2020


Today's Challenge: Frozen Garden!


This challenge has been suggested by Charlie from Kingfishers! 


For this challenge you will first need to go outside and collect and leaves, petals and flowers that catch you eye.

Next you will need to get an egg and carefully remove the inside, so you are left with a whole egg shell (if you struggle with this you could also use a cup or pot). Put all the things you collected into your shell. 

Then you will need to carefully fill it up with water and place your egg into the freezer. Leave it there for a few hours until frozen. 

When it is frozen, remove from the freezer and peel off the shell. 

You now have your very own frozen garden! 


If you would like an extra challenge, why not write your own instructions for this activity using pictures to help you explain! 


Charlie tried out this experiment last week and if you would like to see an example, look at the photos below! 


I would love to see your photos from your challenge, feel free to send me a picture on class dojo! Equally, if you have any problems or questions feel free to message me.


Can't wait to see your wonderful frozen gardens! 


Miss Cox

Monday 13th April 2020


Today's Challenge: Build a birds nest. 


I would like you to have a go at building your own birds nest. You will need to go outside and find some twigs, straw, grass and moss (or similar). Then you will need to have a go at making a nest shape. You may want to just have a go on your own at forming a nest shape or if you would like to have a go at weaving, I have put some instructions below this post. 


Once you have made your nest you could decorate your own egg to go inside (or pop a chocolate one in if you have any left!). 


I would love to see your photos from your challenge, feel free to send me a picture on class dojo! Equally, if you have any problems or questions feel free to message me.


Can't wait to see your amazing nests! 


Miss Cox

Monday 6th April 2020


Today's Challenge: Build a shelter!


I would like you to have a go at building a shelter either outside in your garden or while your out on your daily walk. You could use natural materials you find around you (sticks, twigs and leaves) or use an old bed sheet/towels to help you! 


I would love to see your photos from your challenge, feel free to send me a picture on class dojo! Equally, if you have any problems or questions feel free to message me.


Can't wait to see some of your amazing shelters! 


Miss Cox

Monday 30th March 2020


Today's Challenge: Find a snail! 


I would like everyone to go on a hunt for a snail! This could be in your garden or on your daily walk. I wonder how many you will find? When you have found some, you may even want to draw a picture of one! Have a look carefully at the details on the shell, can you draw the perfect snail swirl? 


If you would like to know more about our slimy friends, I have attached some facts all about slugs and snails. 


I would love to see your photos from your challenge, feel free to send me a picture on class dojo! Equally, if you have any problems or questions feel free to message me.


Can't wait to see some slimy friends! 


Miss Cox

Monday 23rd March 2020


Today's Challenge: Planting a seed. 


I would like everyone to have a go at planting a seed either in a pot or in your garden. 


If you don't have any seeds, don't worry, Can you find any seeds in the fruit you eat? 


How to plant a seed:

1. Find a patch of soil in your garden (or find a pot and fill it with soil).

2. Use your finger to make a hole in the ground (around 2-5cm deep).

3. Drop your seed into the hole (only one seed per hole). 

4. Cover your seed with soil.

5. Water your seed! 

6. Wait to see what grows! 


I would love to see your photos from your challenge, feel free to send me a picture on class dojo! Equally, if you have any problems or questions feel free to message me.


Can't wait to see what you grow! 


Miss Cox
