
Bradley Barton Primary School and Nursery All inspired to learn and inspired learning for all.

Spring 2

Rights and Responsibilities

This half term the children will look at people who help us, exploring the roles of people in the school and the wider local community. They will look at human rights and our responsibilities around these. They will revisit their class commitments and look again at why society needs rules. They will touch on democracy looking at decision making processes and how their voice can be heard. They will look closely at the term 'influence', how the media can portray a topic or a person and how this can affect us. They will look at the terms bystander and anti-social behaviour. They will touch on the role of both national and international organisations who work to take care of the environment. Finally they will look at their responsibility with regards to money, looking at the terms income, expenditure, National Insurance and VAT. 

For more information on the coverage this half term, including key vocabulary, please see the attached document.

Year 4 - Rights and Responsibilities
