Bradley Barton are passionate about teaching children about the benefits of walking, cycling and scooting to school. We want children to grow up knowing how active travel can not only improve their own health and wellbeing but also greatly improve their local and global environment. This is another way we strive to ensure our pupils become responsible global citizens.
We promote active travel in a number of ways;
Reducing traffic directly in front of school
We have worked closely with Devon County Council and Sustrans to have a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) put in place outside our school. A TRO is a legally binding order, so anyone accessing the school street during the time that it is operational is committing an offence, unless they are exempt.
We trialled and staffed a temporary road closure during the academic year 2020-21. In March 2021, we held a survey for residents, parents and staff. Out of 119 responses, 96% wanted the school street to remain permanent. The survey showed a 32% reduction in car use for school journeys and a 16% increase in active travel.
The temporary closure has become permanent in this academic year (2021-22) and we thank everyone for their support with the scheme. We are especially grateful for the time Councillor Phil Buillivant has spent volunteering in the sun, rain and wind to monitor the road closure.
Encouraging safe cycling, scooting and walking to school
We would always encourage parents and carers to walk, cycle or scoot to school. Below you can find a walking map for our school.
We would urge anyone who lives within the ’10-minute zone’ to walk everyday. If you drive to school, please park outside the ‘5-minute zone’ to reduce congestion on the roads immediately close to the school.
Please also park and drive responsibly around the school for your own safety and that of our pupils.
We plan regular events throughout the school year to support and encourage alternative ways to travel to school including;
These events are supported by the Pedal Power crew; a group of children in school who promote active travel to school.
If you would like to know more about how you can support active travel at Bradley Barton, please speak to Mr Wootton or follow one of the links below;
Cycling/walking to school: Under the ‘Cycle routes and Maps’ tab, parents can download a walking/cycling map or use the online map to find routes to schools.
Travelling by public transport:
Information for parents about free school transport, bus passes for pupils etc.
We do encourage PSCOs to visit the school to support us with dangerous driving and parking. If you would like to report any parking issues around school, we would encourage you to contact;
Highways and Traffic,
PO Box 494
Newton Abbot,
TQ12 9GL
0845 155 1004