
Bradley Barton Primary School and Nursery All inspired to learn and inspired learning for all.

Peregrines (Year 5)

Welcome to Peregrines      


Miss ClementsMiss RendelMrs. Clarke
Class teacher1:1 supportLSA


Peregrines are an inquisitive class of children who enjoy the challenge of learning. They work collaboratively to solve problems, share ideas and look after one another. They are a creative group who enjoy arts, crafts and design, often showcasing their superb imaginations in a variety of ways. Most of the Peregrines would say that they enjoy sport, with P.E. being a firm favourite subject among many - we have some very talented athletes!



My name is Miss Clements and I am excited to be teaching in Year 5 this year, having spent many years teaching in EYFS and KS1.  My personal passion is literacy and I enjoy both reading and writing in my spare time. As a child my dream career was teacher or author...we shall see about the second!

At Bradley Barton I lead PSHE and I am passionate about children's mental health and well-being. This will be a priority across the school this year and I look forward to working on promoting this with the children in Peregrines. 

Outside of school I enjoy brunch, coffee, walks with my dog and more recently...gardening!

We are very fortunate to have the support of both Miss Rendel and Mrs. Clarke in Peregrines this year. The children will also be taught by Mr. Radford in their Outdoor classroom sessions. 


Class Dojo

I will endeavour to get back to any queries on Class Dojo within 48 hours and will only check messages in working hours 8am to 6pm. 

Please follow the communication flowchart for all other means of communication. 


