
Bradley Barton Primary School and Nursery All inspired to learn and inspired learning for all.

Home Learning


As I'm sure you are all aware, becoming a fluent and confident reader is an essential part of your child's primary school education. It opens up the world of print and will support your child enormously when they move into secondary school. We also acknowledge the sheer power of reading for enjoyment and the pleasure of being lost in a fantasy world, or finding out more about your interests. 

This year your child will bring home a reading diary in which they can record reading done at home. We would love your child to read every day at home, however we understand how busy home life is! Later in the year the Literacy team will be in touch with incentives across the whole school which will hopefully encourage and support all children, especially our more reluctant readers. 



Home learning across the school will feature two different elements each week. One of these will be retrieval element, where children will have the chance to practice some of the skills that they have learnt in class. These will be things that they have been taught, and will hopefully be able to complete independently. The other will be a preview element, where they will look ahead at something they will learn the next week. This may be a section of text to read, a mathematical method to look at, some research to complete or another type of activity. There may also be spellings sent home to learn or other learning relevant to your child.


In Year 5, homework will be sent home via Seesaw weekly on a Friday with the expectation that it will be completed by Wednesday. 


If you have any problems accessing Seesaw, or you'd like any help to support your child with their homework, please do get in touch. 
