
Bradley Barton Primary School and Nursery All inspired to learn and inspired learning for all.

What we are learning

The children will begin the term by being exposed to a range of traditional tales.

They will then read four adapted stories – The three little wolves and the big bad pig, Jack and the baked beanstalk, Pretty Salma, a story of little red riding hood and Goldilocks.

The children will have opportunities to retell the stories, make puppets and puppet shows and create their own small world adaptations based on traditional tales.

During the second part of the term the children will begin to explore ways of changing the stories – changing the character or outcome.  



In math, we will be looking at number bonds to 10 . We will be investigating odd and even numbers and using a variety of resources to show our understanding. We will be looking at representing numbers using the part-whole model and comparing numbers using 'greater than, more than and equal.'


Continuous Provision

In Year 1, the children access continuous provision daily. Continuous provision describes all of the different provision areas which are available for your children to use every day. Within each of these areas of provision, there are a core range of resources that children can use all of the time, throughout the whole year. The purpose of an effective continuous provision is to offer children a constant environment that is safe for them to explore whilst challenging their learning. It allows children the freedom to explore and become independent in making choices. In our continuous provision, the children can complete additional challenges, which link closely to what we are learning about in our vehicle or in other subjects. We call these additional tasks rainbow challenges. If children complete all 7 challenges in a week, they will receive a certificate on Friday. 


Literacy lessons 

In Literacy, we will be learning about travelling through the story of 'Journey' by Aaron Becker.



PSHE lessons

We will learn all about ourselves and our relationships at home and at school. 


