
Bradley Barton Primary School and Nursery All inspired to learn and inspired learning for all.


PE Days

In Red Kites, we have P.E on Wednesday (outdoor) and Thursday (indoor) during the autumnterm. Children should bring in P.E Kit on those days, and I would recommend taking it home on a Friday to be washed. Because of the children's ages, the girls and boys will change seperately.  For P.E, the children will need a coloured T-shirt (representing their house), shorts or tracksuit bottoms (outdoor only), a sweatshirt/ hoodie for colder weather (outdoor only) and trainers. Please see the uniform section of the website for further details. If children do not have their PE kit, a Dojo notification will be sent home as a reminder for next time as it is good hygiene to ensure children are getting changed for PE, especially in year six.
